DNEVNIK REVEALS THE HORROR HE SUFFERED Accusation against the Novi Sad forensic doctor for trying to kiss a girl


Against Dr. Sh. T., from Novi Sad, the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of that city, once the investigation was completed, presented an accusation for attempting to have sexual relations with a twelve-year-old fellow citizen. His detention was extended until October 2.

A well-known forensic doctor was arrested on March 5 on suspicion of forcing the girl to touch her private body parts, and everything, as “Novosti” writes, happened from 2018 until early March when he was arrested.

He allegedly forced the girl to do it on several occasions and allegedly gave her money for it.

The girl wrote about what happened to her in her diary, in which, according to this diary, she wrote, among other things, that “she goes with her older uncle and that he gives her money in return.”

In one of the rooms of the eight-year-old girl from Novi Sad that the girl attends, she was accidentally found by a friend who, out of curiosity, read several pages and thus everything was revealed. The case of sexual abuse of a twelve-year-old girl was reported to the police by the Novi Sad Social Work Center, whose experts spoke with the girl.
