Djukanovic’s friends prepared another attack on the Serbian priests!



05.10.2020. 14:01

The opposition Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) asked the Institute of Public Health (IPH) to test the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) for the corona virus.

Podgorica, Montenegro

Podgorica, Montenegro, Photo:

The DPS sent the request due to, reportedly, confusion that was generated in the public and contradictory information about the health of Metropolitan Amfilohije, taking into account the danger of spreading the coronavirus and endangering the health of citizens.

“We call on the Public Health Institute to treat all citizens equally, including the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and to test all those suspected of being carriers of the CoVid-19 virus, including the Metropolitan,” reads in a statement from the party of President Milo Djukanovic.

In addition to the obligation of equal treatment for all, the evidence is, they say, “especially important because the information that appeared in public, that some priests are infected with the corona virus, and that they are not isolated but make contact with the believers – deranged citizens. “

“In addition, since it is a dangerous and deadly virus, we expect the clergy to adhere to the Christian and moral principle that requires love and responsibility for others, as well as to consistently apply the rule of chivalry, which means protecting the other.” said the DPS. , reported the RTCG portal.
