Djukanovic spies discovered in Serbia


If Democratic Front personnel take on one of the key roles in the security departments of the new Montenegrin government, the intelligence service files of the ANB (Montenegrin National Security Agency) will be opened and a well-organized network of spies of Milo Djukanovic in Serbia.

According to sources in Podgorica, this is one of the main reasons why this result is being thwarted in every possible way. In that sense, say our well-informed interlocutors, we should also look at the statements by Dritan Abazovic, the leader of the URA movement, that he, his people and the experts he would appoint should hold all the top positions in the police and intelligence services. .

The intensive work and an expanded ANB network in Serbia have been no secret for years. However, as the Serbian services have warned, in the last year or two, their activity has intensified.

– During the government of Milo Đukanović, the network of Montenegrin agents in Serbia expanded to such an extent that now, after the regime change, at least as far as the government in Podgorica is concerned, there has been a real panic among its people in our country. And there are them in almost all structures, from politicians who have openly or less openly promoted Montenegrin interests, through journalists, university professors, businessmen and various NGO activists, to major actors on the other side of the law. There are not a few singers on the stage who directly or indirectly informed the center of Podgorica about what is happening in Serbia, reveals the interlocutor of the Serbian security structures.

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic also spoke about the activities of Montenegrin agents in Serbia.

– Montenegrin service agencies acting against the interests of the Serbian people in Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church cannot operate or govern in Serbia without hindrance. Here you have everything, you have businesses, empire, property, criminal circles, public figures, and you are working from Serbia to spread hatred and take away the rights of the Serbian people in Montenegro. No country in the world would allow that – said Dacic, accidentally or intentionally after meeting with the British ambassador to Serbia, Shan McLeod.

– politicians

– journalists

– University teachers

– businessmen

– NGO activists

– criminals

– entertainers

NATO has procedures that ensure that all those who work with NATO-classified information must meet certain standards, Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, responding to a question on Montenegrin state television whether it is acceptable for NATO to have representatives of pro-Serbian parties at the intelligence front. services.

“Security criteria must be met by whoever is in power,” Stoltenberg said.

The fact that some informal power centers that did not participate in the elections are trying by all means to obstruct the entry of Serbs into the security structures cannot be interpreted otherwise, but as an attempt to prevent the disclosure of secret files of associates of the ANB, in which there are certainly several of them. DF has nothing to fear because we are not there, but that is why those who are afraid of it and do everything possible so that they do not exist.

According to some intelligence data, in the last ten years alone, there have been around 800 active agents collecting data for the Montenegrin intelligence service in Serbia. If you open the file, it will be interesting to see what interested Milo Djukanovic in Serbia. These files are always interesting when it comes to regime change, as has happened now in Montenegro, but I doubt that among these documents there is a unique list of agents who worked for Montenegrins, as no serious service does. In addition, the files are cleaned, leaving only those data that the service estimates can remain. But a good and experienced analyst, based on that data, can assess who did what and spied on the Montenegrins in Serbia.

The Montenegrin intelligence service had fantastic opportunities to create a strong intelligence network in Serbia because we have been a common state for a long time. After the separation of Serbia and Montenegro, many of the people who were in favor of Milo and his regime remained in Belgrade, even in important positions. Many of them were sitting on two chairs, working for us while secretly handing over information to Djukanovic. There are well-founded and realistic suspicions that such moles existed, including in the security structures of Serbia and among the politicians who sat in our state institutions. I cannot speak of names, but those doubts are so well founded that it would be a true miracle if their moles did not exist in very important positions in the Serbian system.

The possible opening of the ANB file does not benefit many. Not even NATO, and especially Djukanovic.

It is not a natural fact that the DF cadres, who are the bearers of the sovereignty of the people, do not assume the most responsible positions at the top of the Montenegrin security structures. Especially if we take into account the persecution of Knezevic and Mandic, which will undoubtedly enter the annals of all law schools as an example of banality and stupidity. Messrs. Abazović and Bečić, from whom I personally expect a lot, especially from Mr. Bečić, taking into account their father’s bravery and heroism, must not make a mistake as Serbia did after 5 October. The decriminalization of services is not possible unless the relationship according to the branch principle is broken with the foreign services that continue to be staffed, and especially with the cooperation network, mainly in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. I believe that some representatives of the NGO sector, as well as some analysts, journalists and politicians are afraid to open the archives of the almighty Montenegrin service.

It is clear that structures close to the outgoing regime are trying to reach out to the new authorities and ensure that people who sincerely fight crime and the mafia do not come to the forefront of the security sector. Now the whole battle is being fought to prevent Serbs from assuming a leadership position in that sector, because a lot of dirt would emerge from the previous period. It is strange that some civic structures, now ruling, and the DPS have the same objective. All of this is being done to cover up the connections of many structures with the secret police and services in the previous period. Only those who cooperated with the service can be afraid to open the file.

1. Porn images of embassy staff

Several videos of Mr. appeared on various popular pornographic internet sites in 2018. S., a member of the administrative and technical staff of the Montenegrin Embassy in Belgrade, in the company of well-known Belgrade prostitutes, transvestites and transsexuals, who were dismissed shortly after . The media published texts about it under the title “Milo’s spy fell into action” because it became known that Mr. S. radio for the Montenegrin service. His wife worked for one of the Serbian state agencies.

2. Millions flew to Dubai

Snezana Zekovic, once the right-hand man of Minister Milutin Mrkonjic (from 2008 to 2011), was investigated for millions of embezzlements during the issuance of international transport permits. It was suspected that he charged several thousand euros for the permits and that in this way he illegally acquired millions. The money was reportedly taken to Dubai. She eventually avoided responsibility, but it’s especially interesting that her husband got in touch with Montenegrin services.

3. Speedboat spy rafts

The media once wrote about an attractive speedboat with Montenegrin license plates, observing guests on the Belgrade rafts for the needs of Montenegrin security structures, most often near the “Jugoslavija” hotel and some ports sports in the Sava. After such action was discovered, the speedboat was returned to Montenegro and was no longer seen on the rivers of Belgrade.

4. Persecution of Marović in Belgrade

Before the elections in Montenegro, which took place on August 30 this year, rumors spread that, after a long time, Milo’s partner, Svetozar Marović, would announce and reveal many unknown things about Đukanović. In the end, that happened, however, according to the media, in the days before that, Montenegrin agents wandered around Belgrade, trying in every way to get close to Marović.

A Lukashenko maneuver that killed the West and put Tikhanovska as a figurehead. Read more about this HERE.

Source: Serbian Telegraph

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