Djukanovic: I hope that after the attack, Comic saw who the opposition was sitting with


In the afternoon part of the Serbian Assembly session, the deputies continued the debate on the future government, which should be voted on today, but also on the importance of parliament and the rights of minorities.

The deputy of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, Vladimir Đukanović, declared that he regretted some ministers who will not find it easy to cope with the problems, and especially Aleksandar Vulin, who will assume the Ministry of the Interior, and Maja Popović, who will be the minister of Justice.

He said that since he assumed the presidency of the Parliamentary Commission of Justice, his colleagues have not stopped calling him and asking him about the elections for the Superior Council of the Judiciary and the Council of State Prosecutors, he said he would not interfere and warned the minister I would call her safe. .

Djukanovic noted that he was especially happy that Gordana Comic entered the government and that he hoped that after the latest attacks “now he knows who he has been sitting with in the opposition for years.” He told the members of the future government not to relax, although there is no opposition in the Assembly, because the deputies will control them, and he told them: “You depend on us, not we on you.”

SNS deputy Milenko Jovanov said he would vote for the new government because it is “the continuity government since 2014 and the first government of Aleksandar Vučić.”

Sandzak SDA MP Enis Imamovic said that continuity is the reason why his parliamentary group will not vote for the government, which “has continuity to repress the freedoms and rights of minorities.”

“There was no talk of serious decentralization in Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabic’s presentation, and we believe that the citizens of Sandzak have the right to autonomy, like Sumadija, Macva, the Danube region or the Nis region, because the most developed countries are regionalized, “he said. is Imamovic.

He added that “there was no serious confrontation with the past and war crimes,” as well as that the SDA expected the government to raise the issue of the responsibility of those who “endangered the health of the citizens of Sandzak.”

“We will not vote for this government because we do not trust it,” Imamovic said.

Serbian Socialist Party deputy Djordje Milicevic assessed that there is no persecution of dissidents in Serbia and that the opposition is just a “hook to media freedom”, and said that Serbia has adopted a statement on Srebrenica and has faced crimes “like other countries in the region.”
