Djordjevic: Vucic’s confrontation with Stefanovic cannot be painless


BIRN’s Aleksandar Djordjevic said live on Dan that “in recent days we have witnessed pressure on Nebojsa Stefanovic.” “It is becoming increasingly clear that he is the real target of all these tabloid persecutions and the political target of Vucic. The main question remains why Nebojsa Stefanovic was shot right now and now and why was he really resentful with Vucic. He is aware that such a move was the beginning of the end of this regime, the reckoning with Stefanović cannot be painless at this time, “he says.

Former Secretary of State Diana Hrkalovic gave a statement to SBPOK today.

“Hrkalović has been a very important figure in the MUP for years, he had no such powers in his role, but it is a public secret that he actually administered the ministry and had powers much greater than those provided by law,” he says.

In recent days, he says, we have witnessed pressure on Nebojsa Stefanovic.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that he is the real target of all these tabloid persecutions and Vučić’s political target. The main question remains why Nebojsa Stefanovic was shot and killed right now and now, and why he actually resented Vucic. “Everyone in the regime is aware that such a move would be the beginning of the end of this regime, the confrontation with Stefanović cannot be painless at the moment,” he says.

Talking about Slaviši Kokezi, says that he, “unlike Hrkalović and Stefanović, is not a man of great importance.”

“And that they pulled him out of his sleeve as a gamer who is there to blur the water and give the tabloids some material for this silent showdown that is taking place under the radar,” he says.

He noted that he thought that “unfortunately, we are witnessing that all institutions have been degraded.”

“That we find out all the key and important information exclusively through the tabloids, of which there are more and more, which serve to transmit warning messages among us within that clan,” he says.

He believes that “the information will only emerge in this mutual accusation.

“I think it is impossible for Vučić to deal with people in his immediate surroundings without remaining pristine,” he says.
