Djordjevic: Instead of attacking me, Zelenovic will join the fight against the Vucic regime – Politics


Today, the president of the Oslobodjenje movement, Mladjan Djordjevic, called on the president of the Together for Serbia movement, Nebojsa Zelenovic, to join the opposition in “preventing the agreement on the recognition of the independence of Kosovo and giving a seat to the United Nations. “, instead of attacking him.

Djordjevic: Instead of attacking me, Zelenovic should join the fight against the Vucic 1 regimeMladjan Djordjevic Photo: Private archive

“Zelenović is welcome to join us in avoiding such an agreement, so we will all replace Vučić together, or he can go to Vučić, to help him at the counter, while he sells Serbia,” he said.

Djordjevic reacted like this to the audio recording of Zelenovic’s conversation published last night by some media, in which he spoke of him in a negative context and claimed that he said that the opposition’s plan was to let Vučić “solve Kosovo” and then ” break it. ” neck ”.

“The regime media allegedly leaked a so-called secret recording of Nebojsa Zelenovic’s conversation last night, in which he unjustifiably attacked me instead of joining me in the fight against Aleksandar Vucic’s treacherous regime to prevent him from recognizing Kosovo as independent” Djordjevic said. Release.

He said something similar happened once again, earlier this month.

“This approach does not change the facts. Zelenovic betrayed opposition voters and was the first to abandon the boycott idea, even though he signed an ‘Agreement with the People’.” He responded to Vučić’s call for elections rigged, although we all warned him how they would go, “said Djordjević.

As he pointed out, Zelenović, who is the current mayor of Šabac, recalled the opposition meeting when he lost the elections in Šabac.

“And he decided to get together so we could get involved in Vučić’s sale of Kosovo?” He asked.

He also said that when the decision was made to boycott the elections, one of the main concerns of the foreign embassies in Belgrade was the recognition of Kosovo by Vučić and that they had the idea that the opposition should be in parliament to “give legitimacy to betrayal “.

“And now when the boycott was successful, because our parliament is almost one-party, they are still looking for someone who is willing to be complicit in Vučić week. Share the shame on behalf of the Serbian opposition. We will avoid that shame as we know how! “As Zelenović claims, no one will allow Vučić to ‘solve’ Kosovo,” Đorđević said.

As you said, your position on that issue is clear and hasn’t changed in decades.

“There is no agreement on the recognition of the independence of the false state of Kosovo, nor to give it a chair in the United Nations. There is no solution that is not in accordance with the Constitution of Serbia and Resolution 1244. There is no trade in Kosovo and Metohija as in the market, “Djordjevic said, according to a statement from the Oslobodjenje movement.

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