Djordjevic: A new Law on Social Protection – Society is projected


The Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Zoran Djordjevic, said today that the drafting of a new Law on Social Protection is planned, which will provide better living and working conditions for people with disabilities.

Djordjevic: a new social protection law is planned 1Photo: Facebook / Goran Vesić

“The priority of the Government of Serbia is to provide better living and working conditions for all citizens, especially those with disabilities, creating the same opportunities for a better future,” explained Djordjevic, who attended the opening of the forum on road safety. insurance “for people with disabilities. .

Djordjevic also said that the ministry will advocate for the full implementation of the Strategy to improve the situation of people with disabilities, which was approved in the first quarter of this year, that is, defined priorities, especially in the field of employment, taking into account account that people with disabilities and do their work more responsibly than people without disabilities.

The statement indicates that this ministry, assuming that prevention is the best way to prevent the risk of acquired disability, supported the initiative of the Association “Let’s be safe” to promote responsible behavior in traffic.

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