Djilas with the former director of the BIA, the press director and an associate who escaped from Serbia! (PHOTO)



02.26.2021. 14:24 – 26.02.2021. 15:46

While President Vučić negotiated a strategy for the survival of our people in the southern province with representatives of the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs, Djilas was drinking coffee in Trieste with a very influential and powerful company and forging who knows what plans.

D. Đilas, S. Vukadinović and V. Vučurević with Jadranka Drinić

D. Đilas, S. Vukadinović and V. Vučurević with Jadranka Drinić, Photo:

SAA leader Dragan Djilas appeared today from sunny Trieste, where he is at a party and shopping, then tweeted that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was not allowed to appear at trial with him because he is a coward.

Although Djilas himself is more than 700 kilometers from the Belgrade court where the hearing is scheduled, that did not prevent him from appearing on Twitter, as most of his followers in the virtual world do every day.

The member of the SNS Presidency, Vladanka Malović, reacted sharply and asked Djilas why he did not appear for the trial today, but boasted about Trieste.

While President Vučić negotiated a strategy for the survival of our people in the southern province with representatives of the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs, Djilas was drinking coffee in Trieste with a very influential and powerful company and forging who knows what plans.

He was accompanied by former BIA chief Sasa Vukadinovic, SAA political director and former press director Vuk Vucurevic, as well as former Direct Media director Jadranka Drinic, who was a close associate of his for years and is reportedly on the run due to taxes. evasion.

For now, it is not known what is the reason for this meeting.

See the photos in our gallery.

