Djilas wants to deceive the citizens of Serbia!



27.12.2020. 22:00

The TV Pink studio includes Miloš Jovanović, the leader of the DSS, Čedomir Jovanović, the leader of the LDP, and Nebojša Krstić, a marketing expert.

Dragan Djilas

Dragan Djilas, Photo: Tanjug

Responding to the question about the statement by Dragan Djilas who wrote to Brussels, Krstic said that the great success of this government is that it is one of the three countries in Europe that received a contingent of vaccines against coronavirus.

– The vaccine arrived in Serbia, the vaccination began … What Djilas is talking about is another issue, but what the intellectuals who ask what Prime Minister Brnabic and Minister Tepic received the vaccine say … They must set an example and showing people the vaccine is good – said Krstić.

Nebojsa Krstic

Nebojsa Krstic, Photo: Screen Printed

As he says, it is a good joke for Djilas to say that he is the one responsible for Serbia receiving vaccines against the coronavirus.

Krstic condemned the fact that Djilas is asking the EU to send vaccines that will be received by the citizens of the union, because that makes citizens think that we are not receiving them, and pointed out that it is a betrayal.
