Djilas: Vucic endangered state interests by interfering in elections in the United States


The president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, by interfering in the presidential elections in the United States, endangered the state interests and the international position of Serbia, evaluated the president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Đilas.

Vučić is “the only or almost the only president in the world who publicly supported Donald Trump and participated in his election campaign,” Djilas said.

From the signing of the more than strange Washington agreement, which, to make matters worse, is not coordinated with Europe, to the public invitation of American Serbs to vote for Trump, Aleksandar Vucic and Ivica Dacic were part of the Trump campaign. Trump lost the election. Biden is the new president. “America. And what are we going to do now?” The statement said.

He stated that “Vučić, with his amateur support for Trump, who thought he would get America’s support to do whatever he wants in Serbia for the next four years, put Serbia in a position to be a state that supports an angry opponent. of the new American president. “

“He played for all or nothing and got nothing. The fact that he didn’t get” anything “is his problem, but he is still the president of this country and because of his behavior, there is a real danger that Serbia will bear the consequences.” adds the statement.

“In the previous days, the media and tabloids controlled by Aleksandar Vučić attacked the new American president in their own way, claiming that he stole the elections. The terms used by the Vučić media were not used even by the American media in favor of Trump. Republican parties, “said Djilas.

“A man who admitted that he did not understand what the fall of the Berlin Wall meant showed that he had not learned anything in these 20 years. Surrounded by poor quality people who listen to him blindly, he makes decisions that endanger the future of the state and of the people he runs, “he said. in a sentence.

Every day he remembers the leader of Domanović more, every day Serbia approaches the abyss from which, if it falls, it will not be able to get out. That is why today it is clearer that the unity of all citizens, movements and parties is necessary. threatens to overthrow this regime and provide the opportunity for a better life for all the people of Serbia, “said Djilas.
