Djilas told Đurić: You will come back from Washington faster than you left – Politika


“By claiming that Ivan Ivanović and Zoran Kesić are my fools in court, the failed student from state law school Marko Đurić tried to insult and belittle these two people, the best professionals in the jobs they do,” the leader said today of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Đilas.

Djilas told Đurić: You will return from Washington faster than you left 1Photo: Beta / Branislav Božić

He noted that the use of such a dictionary by a senior state official is devastating, but also the fact that no one defended Ivanović and Kesić.

“He has been targeting Ivanović for months due to the summer holidays in Croatia. He is declared an ustasha and a traitor. Kesić came to the wallpaper after the first show and the satirical description of the events in Montenegro. Despite all that , the number of those who were in their defense can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The majority are those who have never spoken. They are silent, hoping that it does not happen to them, “said Djilas.

On the same visit, Marko Đurić, according to the statement, told lies, accusing Đilas of admitting that, according to Đurić, he “raised more than 500 million euros at the time of his work as mayor.”

“Instead of denying those lies for the umpteenth time, I have a question for Marko Đurić: if I stole 500 million euros from him and you are Marko, an honest man who lives on a salary of 1,000 euros, how could you, Marko, the summer last? Are you paying for a summer vacation in the same hotel in Greece at the same time that I, with my family, stayed in it? Both you and your friends, Secretary of State Boska Stevanović and President Vučić’s chief of staff Ivica Kojić How do I know that? But someday you’ll have to explain to yourself and your friends, “said Djilas.

He told Đurić that it was not worth it for him to prepare for the trip to Washington, because the fall of the government is approaching, so “he will return faster than he will leave.”

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