Djilas: The authorities are not taking action, politicians are silent because of the rating


The president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, stated that politicians in Serbia, unlike European countries, do not want to adopt “unpopular but necessary measures” and “keep quiet because they think about their assessment instead. of on people’s health “.

“That’s why no one is allowed to say that some things just have to be done. No matter how unpopular they are. Well, if no one is allowed, I will say: action is needed today that will make our lives more difficult. But they will save our lives. ” he stressed in a written statement.

He evaluated that it is necessary to implement the recommendations in the fight against the epidemic given by the doctors who signed the call for the change of Crisis Personnel, among which are the proposals to close nightclubs and the limitation of the work of all facilities. restoration.

Djilas noted the doctors’ recommendations that contacts at work be reduced so that everyone who can work from home, that the fall break is extended for another seven days and that care is given to patients who do not suffer from covidity.

“In order for them to receive adequate treatment, the state must immediately accept that private health services can be used at the state’s expense by all citizens who need treatment and are not infected with the corona virus. When I say private health services, I mean hospital facilities available for private clinics. “said Djilas.

Djilas assessed that the citizens of Serbia no longer trust the state, which is adopting a law “according to which people will be punished and their money will be used to fill the state coffers”, instead of introducing additional measures.

For that and other things, Djilas said that he demands the authorities “to stop dealing with their rating, to stop investigating and evaluating whether people will react well or badly to a certain extent and if they will lose some voice in that in the next few years. elections “.
