Djilas stabbed Jeremic in the back, forming a table club without him!


DISSOLVING THE OPPOSITION: Djilas stabbed Jeremic in the back, he's forming a table club without him!

Photo: Beta / Dragan Gojić

The political connection between the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, and the president of the People’s Party, Vuk Jeremic, is definitely in crisis, moreover, cooperation cannot survive even at the local level. Therefore, Djilas and Jeremic no longer have a joint management club in Belgrade!

A cracked pumpkin

– This is another proof that there was a complete split between Djilas and Jeremic. The Freedom and Justice Party, the Sloga trade union and the Movement for Change will form their leadership club at the Belgrade City Assembly this week, but without the People’s Party. The formal explanation is that they failed to agree on the rules of procedure, but that’s just a cover, in fact Djilas stabbed Jeremic in the back and canceled his club overnight, which was in the group of the joint board of the Alliance for Serbia, which was dissolved. – says the source of Kurir. Everything was done in secret, he adds, and the councilors of the Popular Party were left without explanation, only on Sunday night did they find out that the club was being formed without them. Marina Lipovac Tanaskovic, a member of Jeremic’s party in the Belgrade Assembly, also confirmed this, saying that the decision was an unpleasant surprise for the People’s Party.

– The Popular Party insisted on harmonizing the principles that would guarantee the prevention of abuses, kidnappings of councilors, undermining of partner organizations and other problems that, unfortunately, were manifested in the SZS. For Narodna, these were not technical matters, but serious political problems to establish better relations. It is now clear to us that these principles were not a priority or not acceptable to the SAA, Lipovac Tanaskovic told Danas.

photo: print screen

The collision of two egos

Political scientist Jelena Vukoičić says for Kurir that the relationship between Đilas and Jeremić is a collision of two egos. – The whole Alliance for Serbia was an interesting alliance, an alliance against Aleksandar Vučić and the SNS. Even then, they had nothing in common, ideologically or programmatically, as they came together and parted ways. They are both politicians who do not want to tolerate each other’s authority, they both want to be in charge, especially Djilas, he tends to be the absolute boss, and Jeremic has a high opinion of himself and does not want to be in the shadows, the question was when. everything will explode – concludes Vukoičić.

photo: Media Center

It should be remembered that the disagreement between Djilas and Jeremic dates back to the beginning of summer, and culminated in a romance whose main protagonist was Nikola Jovanovic, former vice president of the National Assembly and head of the Alliance for Serbia committee group, who resigned from Jeremic’s party to beginning of July.

A scandal and a general schism erupted in August, when an audio leaked in which Jovanovic insulted the former head of the Jeremic party at the national level, saying: “Flee from that Pozderc”, and then spoke about the details of his transfer to the party of Djilas, and that he would recruit more people to cross. At the time, Jovanović also told SAA Vice President Marinika Tepić that he was without a party “a bicycle home”, and after the whole thing, he did not officially join the SAA.

This is what he said

Jeremic: I wish I could trust Djilas

The leader of the Popular Party, Vuk Jeremic, did not respond to our messages on this issue yesterday, but at the end of October he openly showed that he did not trust the president of the SAA, Dragan Djilas. As a guest on TV N1, Jeremic, when asked if he thinks Djilas will not accept Nikola Jovanovic at the party, said with a cynical smile:

– I wish I could trust Dragan Djilas. Slamnig

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
