Djilas: People have overcome their fear, in a year and a half there will be a change of government


The chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, called the claims that he was somehow involved in the events of the Democratic Party a lie.

In the “Danas” newspaper, Djilas responded to Dragan Domazet’s accusations, denying that “Boris Tadic co-opted him for the party presidency.”

“I entered the Presidency as an elected representative of Belgrade, and then as Chairman of the City Board. Nenad Bogdanović proposed me for that position,” said Djilas.

He added that it was a lie that he became president of the DS, without knowing how the Main Board works, and claimed that he was elected president in 2012 as the man who defeated Aleksandar Vučić in the Belgrade elections, to try to save the party that ” It was in debt in loans of three million euros and whose 100 members were arrested the following year. “

“The people overcame their fear, in a year and a half there will be a change of government”

The chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party also said he was sure that in the next year and a half there will be a change of government in Serbia at all levels.

Djilas told the Beta agency that his optimism is based mainly on the fact that people have overcome fear and that they no longer want to live in a country where the highest officials are connected to organized crime and corruption.

He estimates that elections at all levels will be called at the end of next year, “because the current situation, in which one man and one party have unlimited power, is unsustainable and is leading Serbia into a depression.”

“This government is behaving as if a new day never dawns. It is the last hour to make Serbia a normal state governed by the Constitution and laws and in which the value system in all areas will not be at the level of Cooperatives. and couples, “said the president of the SAA.

In an interview with the Beta agency, which will be published in full over the weekend, Dragan Djilas spoke of the importance of a possible agreement between the government and the opposition under the auspices of the European Parliament and the conditions under which the opposition will go to the polls.

Djilas also mentioned the first steps the opposition will take if it comes to power and what citizens can expect if there is a change of government.
