Djilas: Invoices are faxes – Policy


The president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, stated tonight that “there is no private account anywhere except in Serbia.”

Djilas: Invoices are faxes 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / LUKA FILIPOVIĆ (file)

“I have a company in Serbia and Switzerland that I founded with money when we sold the company, I paid more than two million euros in taxes, I invested there, informed the National Bank of Serbia, it is written in the APR for seven years, it is no secret “Djilas said on the” Impression of the Week “program.

Djilas emphasized that what appears in the media about his foreign accounts “is absolutely not true” and that it has nothing to do with Mauritius and that Deutsche Bank does not exist in Mauritius.

“All these papers that appear there are forgeries. All these papers are an absolute lie, they are all printed on the same printer, by the same person or group of people, and they have nothing to do with any bank, “said Djilas, stating that they were printed on the same date – December 12 December. , and then it was Saturday.

Djilas assessed that the government is doing this not to speak of scandals in Serbia, of people who really have problems, “of little Milan who was arrested for tweeting his interview statement, of six Ćuprija teachers who went out of work. For let Orlić and Martinović have another salary ”, about growing marijuana on the Jovanjica farm.

When asked if he was waiting for someone to come looking for him, Djilas said he was ready for that to happen and that it was normal for someone to participate in opposition work in Serbia. “I am ready for much more than that.” When we made the Alliance for Serbia and brought together most of the Serbian opposition in one of the first meetings, I told my partners that if everyone thinks that we will all live to see this bad fall from power, then we underestimate what is happening to him. us, “said Djilas.

He said “maybe not everyone is there”, but he didn’t think about it. “I am a man who has no security, walks freely and does not want to think about those things,” emphasized Djilas.

When asked if what “Informer” editor-in-chief Dragan J. Vučićević told him today on Pink TV that he would not be arrested but would be tried at liberty and that he would go through former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, he sounds like someone who was informed speaking, Djilas said that “it absolutely seems that someone who is informed is speaking.”

“Everything that appears in ‘Informer’ and those tabloids, all those who are invited, just say what this regime tells them,” said Djilas. The leader of the Dveri Movement, Boško Obradović, assessed that what is happening to Djilas is “an abnormal abuse of the media of a man and must be solved one way or another.”

He said Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić should present all the evidence he has “about what bothers Djilas, calling him a thief.” “If you don’t do that, then you committed the crime of not reporting the crime,” Obradović said.

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