Djilas: I’ll teach you, why don’t you tell Grenel to lie? Why do you tell the citizens of Serbia that


On the occasion of the meeting in Washington, the president of the Loboda and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, said that everything is turning into a circus.

“Blic, followed by all Vučić media, published false news that Serbia had been asked to recognize an independent Kosovo. The American host, Ambassador Richard Grenel, also publicly said that this was not true. In his speech afterwards Of the meeting, Vučić said that “The people of the portal who first published the truth are lying and called them traitors working against the interests of Serbia,” the SAA said in a statement.

“Why don’t you tell Grenel to lie? Tell him he’s a liar when you’re so brave. Why do you tell that to people in Serbia? Also, tell the citizens of Serbia: what are you negotiating? Who are you? gave you the authority? On whose behalf are you negotiating? “Should we all be concerned now about what you are going to sign?” Djilas asked Vucic.

If the deal is limited to the theme of a better life for people and the economy, as Djilas said, it deserves support.

“But even here, the question arises whether Kosovo will be signed without an asterisk or with an asterisk indicating its status in accordance with United Nations Resolution 1244. If such a document is signed without an asterisk next to the word Kosovo, it means that Serbia has ceded part of its territory and its Constitution, and that is inadmissible, “he said.
