Djilas further humiliates all Serbian citizens at the conference (VIDEO)



20.03.2021. 13:14

Djilas turned his back on our journalist because he did not like the questions we asked him, unlike the media that are under his control.

Dragan Djilas

Dragan Djilas, Photo: print screen

SAA leader Dragan Djilas showed how much he does not respect the citizens of Serbia by refusing to answer questions from Alo’s editorial office.

The questions from our editorial office were:

– How much support does the people have and does Marinika Tepić plan to evict journalists if she comes to power, as she asked her criminal friends to evict the journalist who wrote about her affairs, according to Pancevo? When you were mayor, did you order texts from which newsrooms and which newsrooms do you now order? Can you explain who Schmidt Pascal is?

Djilas turned his back on our journalist because he did not like the questions we asked him, unlike the media that are under his control.

– If there are no more questions, except those that I don’t want to answer – Djilas said and ended the conference, turning his back on our journalist.

In this way, he only showed that he considers himself a judge who has the right to determine in Serbia who is a suitable journalist and who is not, and at the same time he disparaged our readers, but also all the residents of Serbia to whom he owes. an answer to the question of how he obtained his enormous wealth while in power.

Djilas, however, has the audacity to once again run for power in Serbia, although he not only does not respect the citizens of this country, but believes that it is he who should judge who is suitable and who is not. There is nothing democratic.

