12.21.2020. 14:51 – 21.12.2020. 14:58
SAA President Dragan Djilas criticized the government for taking action against the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, unlike in the EU countries, and then landed a brutal combat.

Dragan Djilas, Photo: Print Screen
SAA President Dragan Djilas criticized the government for taking action against the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, unlike in the EU countries, and then landed a brutal combat.
Djilas showed total ignorance when saying that the public learned three days ago that there was an economic and medical part of the Crisis Staff, although this information was known and disclosed from the beginning when the body was formed, but only he, apparently, was found out only before. a couple of days.
It seems that Djilas slept during a good part of what was happening in Serbia, and how uninformed he is about what is happening, both here and in the world, is evidenced in his complete ignorance of the situation in Germany and other European countries, where a total lockdown is taking place.
It seems that Djilas was eliminated by someone with completely incorrect information, so it would be better for him if he continued to sleep hidden and safe for some time, so as not to disperse the few followers he has with such amateur outbursts.
In the continuation of the video in front of you, you can see the testimony of Deutsche Welle journalist Nemanja Rujevic, who clearly stated what measures are being implemented in Germany and that politics has the main word in Berlin when it comes to measures against the crown, while the experts have an advisory role.