22.10.2020. 18:22 – 22.10.2020. 19:16

Borko Stefanovic, Photo: Alo.rs
The “Mirdita – Good Day” festival is held in Belgrade from today until Saturday at the Cultural Decontamination Center, which, according to the organizers, strives to bring the cultural and social scene of Kosovo closer to the Belgrade public and thus contribute to the peace, but also society “.

Branko Miljuš, Photo: Jošida Masanori
This festival has been opening old wounds to Serbian society for years, which perceives it as a provocation, and several right-wing groups have announced protests. The reasons for this are multiple, starting with the organizers insisting on the reconciliation of Serbs and Albanians in Belgrade, while they were in the territory of the so-called Kosovo does not celebrate any similar festival.
From this it is concluded that the message of the festival is that in the previous war, only Serbs committed crimes, and the message is sent that Serbs are criminals and Albanians are victims. For all this, many citizens of Serbia perceive this festival as an imposition of an ideology of Greater Albania.
The excellent relations between the Cultural Decontamination Center and Dragan Djilas are not a secret, so the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party participated in the stands of the center where “Mirdita” takes place.
In addition, the former director of that center, Borka Pavićević, has publicly supported Djilas on several occasions. She was one of the founders of the Free Citizens Movement, which is why she pointed out that “in Djilas we see an opportunity to succeed in the elections.”

Branko Miljuš, Photo: Alo.rs
Today’s presence of his deputy Borko Stefanović at this event shows that Dragan Đilas has been fueling the “Mirdita – good morning” festival for years. According to our reporter from the scene, Stefanović and his followers were released to enter the Cultural Decontamination Center.
In addition, as our reporter reports, meetings of right-wing organizations have started in Slavija square that are planning a protest in front of the center.
Dozens of people from the Serbian Parliament Zavetnici and the Sveti Sava association of Lazarevac gathered.
Dragan Djilas and SAA supported the “Mirdita – good day” festival!
His deputy Borko Stefanović came to the festival a while ago.
Stefanović and his followers were released to enter the Cultural Decontamination Center.
The organizers of the festival insist on the reconciliation of Serbs and Albanians in Belgrade, while they are in the territory of the so-called Kosovo does not celebrate any similar festival.