Djilas admitted: He is not my brother, I am …



26.11.2020. 17:22 – 26.11.2020. 17:28

Djilas added that on August 25, 2017, through the daughter of the company in which his brother was a director, he sold it to a man who is a pilot and has worked for foreign airlines all his life.

Dragan Djilas

Dragan Djilas, Photo: Tanjug

The chairman of the Freedom and Justice party, Dragan Djilas, denied media reports that his brother sold the house to the director of “Krushik” below cost, but became involved in the story, claiming that he was personally involved in the purchase. of apartments.

– My brother never owned a house on Jevrem Grujić street. The house was bought in 2011 by the company “Multikom”, which I own – he said.

Djilas added that on August 25, 2017, through the daughter of the company in which his brother was a director, he sold it to a man who is a pilot and has worked for foreign airlines all his life.

It is also interesting that Djilas did not deny or mention 29 words that are suspected to be the property of his brother.
