Djerlek – the peak of the third wave from December 15, no later than the 25th.


The Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health, Mirsan Đerlek, said that she expects us from December 15 to 20, that is, the 25th peak of the third wave at the latest. As a reminder that these days Dr. Predrag Kon and Dr. Branislav Tiodorović estimated that the measures were delayed, and when asked who in the Crisis Staff did not vote to be applied in early November, he did not give an answer specific.

To H1’s statement that his colleagues from the medical part of the Crisis Staff (Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, Dr. Predrag Kon) said these days that the new measures were delayed, and that they proposed them for the beginning of November, and when they were asked who in the Crisis Staff did not vote for his proposal, Djerlek did not give a specific answer.

“Crisis personnel work in such a way that everyone has the right to express their opinion, but decisions are made based on the votes of all members of the crisis personnel. That is the opinion of Professor Tiodorovic and Professor Kon, who I appreciate very much business in the best possible way and have the right to express their opinion, “replied Djerlek.

When asked again who was against the introduction of measures in early November, and when asked if he was against, he said no. He says he answered that question by saying that everyone has the right to have a say and that general opinion is given on the basis of voting.

When asked by H1 what the government plans to do about the queues in front of the covid ambulance, Djerlek claimed that the city of Belgrade provided tents “and that is commendable” as waiting rooms in front of the ambulance, with heating . And that’s what we could have done, he said.

We are approaching the peak of the third wave, by all estimates, it will reach that peak on December 15-20, the furthest, and then the situation will slowly stabilize, Djerlek said.

In Belgrade, he says, the parameters are clear: just seven to 10 days ago, there were more than 50 percent of new patients out of the total number in Serbia, and in recent days we have decreased the number of examinations by more than 20 percent, while the number of new patients is high. but there is also some leveling off to around 2000. It is expected that in seven to 10 days, the number of new patients will start to drop, which does not mean the same will happen in other parts of Serbia, because the infection has spread since Belgrade to other parts, says the secretary of state.

We will not have a simultaneous reduction in all parts of Serbia, he emphasizes. He believes that “we will weather this difficult wave with new capabilities” in Batajnica. Our main objective is to try to establish the best possible control over the implementation of epidemiological measures, said Djerlek and asked citizens to adhere to what is prescribed and recommended in the most disciplined way possible.

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