Djerlek: New measures in a day or two, but it won’t bring anything if we don’t respect the existing ones


The Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Djerlek, said at a press conference that the new epidemiological measures will be announced in “one or two days”, and pointed out that they will not mean much if the public does not respect the measures already adopted. When asked by H1 how many citizens will receive the vaccine by the end of the year, he replied that “it will not be a large number of citizens.”

“The State is in a delicate and very serious situation. Regarding the measures, I think that citizens should have paid more attention to how to implement the measures in practice. We have adopted many measures and we can adopt them as far as possible. possible, but it is important that I would like to emphasize that the reforms to the Law for the Protection of Citizens against Infectious Diseases have come into force today and that this will be one of the measures through which we will control the epidemiological situation. We control the implementation of the measures taken, ”Đerlek said.

He added that the measures already adopted are sufficient and that it is necessary for all citizens to respect them.

“However, an irresponsible group of citizens still creates problems for us. I would like to thank the 95% of Serbian citizens who implement measures in every sense of the word, and therefore, although our numbers are not golden, we have a situation solid compared to the region o We do not want to be comforted, but it is good to point out that we are doing well, “he said.

“Life in Serbia cannot stop, nor can the economy. Each segment is analyzed and a balance must be found between protecting the health of the population and the economy. That is why we speak of respecting the measures adopted, because with the adoption of new measures We won’t change much if we don’t respect those who have already been adopted, “Djerlek said.

According to him, those measures refer especially to masks, which should be worn outdoors, especially in pedestrian areas.

“Two new measures will be announced with precision the next day,” Djerlek said.

He noted that the third wave of the corona surpassed the first two, as well as that currently the number of patients is greater than the previous two waves of infection.

Responding to H1’s question, what is the most difficult to adopt new measures, Djerlek stated that the reason is the experience gained so far during the epidemic.

“He was a stranger to world medicine, and even to us. That stranger created fear. Now we have more experience and it is not just about taking care of kovid patients, but now we want to pay attention to patients who are not. And this group of patients has a high mortality rate, that’s why we want to balance, deal with patients, but also with others. It does not hinder the adoption of new measures, but we look for the best solution to balance the situation, “said Djerlek.

“We have to protect the economy, because we have to make a living. We have to learn to live with the crown until a new vaccine appears,” he said.

Speaking about the work of nightclubs, he said that in the situation if they were closed, “there are illegal parties and clubs, as well as” that young people are handled in different ways.

“We want to protect the people who are engaged in this activity, because they also support their families,” he said.

Commenting on the timing for the procurement of vaccines, he said that up to 350,000 doses are expected in the first quarter of next year, and that they will be distributed by Pfizer by quarters.

“Our state has done everything, even more than some states that are more financially prepared than our state, and we have always been one step, two ahead of the covids,” he said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
