Djerlek: Crisis headquarters will bring new measures


Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said that the crisis personnel for the fight against the crown will adopt new measures in today’s session, stating that the most important thing is to protect Serbia from the entry of infected people, but also strengthen control within the country.

“At this time, there is no thought of restricting the movement of citizens, but that will also be an issue if the situation is the way we don’t want it,” Djerlek told TV Pink.

He said that he expected more problems with the situation of the groups, as shown by the example of “Jure”, but also with the events in rafts, parties, because “young people do not seem to understand that this disease is fatal.”

Speaking of the lack of respect to the extent that can be seen in the streets, he especially highlighted the importance of wearing a mask on pedestrian crossings, in lines of ATMs, noting that some young people act as if the mask were a fashionable detail.

He said that the epidemiological situation in Serbia in the last two or three days is unfavorable, because we have exponential growth.

“Comparing it with the countries of the region, it is still not alarming, but it is worrying enough that we take all the mechanisms to curb the virus,” said Djerlek.

He said that “Belgrade is the biggest access point, but we also have a tendency to grow in other parts of Serbia.”

According to him, there are seven full patients in the Novi Pazar Department of Infectious Diseases, but he is particularly concerned that the number of patients is increasing.

“We had one or two patients for two months. Then the number of newly discovered patients increased. Yesterday we had 54 samples, of which 4 were positive, which is just over seven percent,” Djerlek said.

As he stated, this is a “very worrying figure”.

“We have a greater number of examinations in Novi Pazar, Sjenica, Tutin. We want that what happened in June and July does not happen again, so we are very careful,” said Djerlek, noting that today the formation of a hospital begins temporary spa at Novi Zapar.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
