DJB begins collecting signatures, decision on elections later


The Enough is Enough movement will begin collecting signatures for DJB’s participation in the upcoming elections on Monday, May 11, while supporters of the movement will be able to give their signatures for party registration at the same location.

According to the DJB, the final decision to go to the polls will be made by the party’s bodies after the signatures collected.

“While the public expects every party, media, public figure, NGO and EU official to vote on the elections in Serbia, the DJB will collect signatures and will not wait for anyone. We will not allow ourselves and our voters to be deceived by the EU political maneuvers “. past and current authorities, the Alliance for Serbia and the Free Citizens Movement, “the statement states.

The DJB stated that it had an agreement with those parties to boycott the upcoming elections, and that it had previously said that a boycott is a means and that the objective is fair electoral conditions.

Nebojsa Zelenovic in Sabac, Sasa Paunovic in Paracin and Milan Stamatovic in Cajetina first abandoned the boycott agreement, under the pretext that they were only local elections, then the association “One of five million”, now PSG, and as it is added, DJB It will not observe in silence.
