DISTURBING VIDEO OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! The husband approaches Sandra Obradović and hits her with all his might! (VIDEO)


Sandra Obradovic, who ended up in police custody last Saturday after a conflict with her former partner Vladimir Babic, whom she accused of beating her, says in a confession to Kurir that she suffered violence for two years.

– For me, the most important thing in life is that I am the mother of a beautiful angel, whose name is Andrej and who is only seven months old and who is not by my side while I tell you this. I was able to admit that I have been a victim of psychological and physical violence for two years by the father of my son: the above model started and explained.

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He is very powerful

– The violence started while I was pregnant, I ended up several times in the “Frente Narodni” hospital and it could happen that I gave birth prematurely. My pregnancy was risky due to the blows I received almost every day, as well as stress, but due to the fear that I kept silent at that time, and as the only priority at those times, I saw that I was giving birth to my son alive and well. Over time, it got worse, to the point of being unbearable. It happened that she hit me while I was holding the girl in my arms, says Sandra, who claims that her unmarried ex-husband has strong ties to the city, so he was afraid.

Sandra Obradović posted a video on her Instagram in which her partner hits her with all his might while filming him on a mobile phone.

photo: print screen / Instagram

– He is very powerful, so the words and threats he spoke to me every day were not naive and instilled great fear in me. In addition to insulting me, humiliating me, belittling me, he said that he would take my son, that he would kill me, that he would bribe the entire city and that he had contacts and acquaintances in all state institutions, as well as in the media, he told me that he had So much to introduce myself as the worst person and mother and put me in a mental hospital. I tried to find justice, I reported it to the police (November 17, 2019, February 24, April 2, and May 11 this year). He received restraining orders first for 48 hours, then for 30 days.

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It bored me

Obradović’s story that his ex was constantly upset to see her after she left him.

– On April 2, violence occurred, when I left the apartment with the baby and moved to New Belgrade. After seven days, the “gentleman” remembered that he had a son, he began to harass me constantly, writing to me, calling, and then arriving at the front of the building. As the son of divorced parents, I didn’t want to deny him the right and the opportunity to see his son even before we settled everything in court. On Saturday, May 9, he invited me to lunch, then I had no idea that everything was organized and planned and that a trap and a fake adventure was being prepared for me, he says, adding that he only drank two glasses of wine.

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– I do not rule out the possibility that something has been poured into my drink. Back in the car, he started hitting me, pulling my hair and calling me an alcoholic and an incompetent mother, saying, “Now that you’re done, I’ll take your son.” His private security took pictures in front of the building, which he released to the media, but the agony continued in my apartment even after the recordings he had the opportunity to see – Sandra said, concluding that they took her son that day, who had not seen before.

– I hereby address all the public, the nation, the state and those in charge of fighting violence against women to try to understand me and help me because I am helpless, desperate, scared and, above all, broken, because my baby does not it’s by my side. !!



The day after the images showing Sandra in an alcoholic state appeared in public, her ex-partner Vladimir Babić spoke to Kurir:

– I have been worried for months about a child who does not want to grow up without a mother, but when that mother is drunk every day and mixes drugs with fervor, and she will not be treated, then I must take all measures to protect my son. It is not the child’s fault that the mother is behaving inappropriately. I told him that he had to be cured of vice, but he did not care. He is abusing me and that was enough. My son comes first and I want him to have a happy childhood. He is small now and does not know what is happening, but I will no longer be afraid that the baby is alone with a drunk mother. I will speak to the people of the Social Work Center, who are informed about the whole case, and demand full guardianship.

Kurir.rs/ J. Stuparušić – I. Ercegovčević Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

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Author: delivery courier
