Although many members of the crisis staff for the fight against the virus have recently lost some of the trust that citizens had in them at the beginning of the epidemic, it would not be a surprise if some of the doctors we saw and read in the media all the time. days are in the next government. interest that has not been the case so far.

According to Danas’ interlocutors, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, deputy director of the Batut Institute, has great potential for that.
FPN doctoral student and political analyst Boban Stojanović told Danas that some of the staff are very likely to be able to move to Nemanjina 11.
– And I think that was thought about, especially at the beginning of the pandemic. Now I think that the interest in that happening is less because the crisis headquarters have lost a lot of trust in the citizens. With the fact that I think some might be in government, especially since they are already interestingly and familiarly related to the ruling party, he says.
While political analyst Djordje Vukadinovic thinks it would be a big surprise if that didn’t happen than if it did.
– Regardless of the fact that most of them, some more and some less, the professional and somewhat divine halo has been violated, some of them would undoubtedly be a refreshment and a useful and valuable reinforcement in the next government of Aleksandar Vučić. I would not be surprised if one of them appears in the position of Minister of Health or some other prestigious and important position in the future administration. It would be a big surprise if that didn’t happen, says Vukadinović. He believes that the favorite for the position is Dr. Kisić Tepavčević, but also the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, and the immunologist Srđa Janković.
Cesid CEO Bojan Klacar thinks differently, saying to our newspaper that he thinks there is little chance that crisis staff members will hold political office, “because none of them has been shown to have such ambitions and elections are very close. “
– At least not in a short period, and long-term forecasting is unpleasant. Professionally, if Serbia’s fight with Kovid 19 is successful, hopefully they will be people who continue their successful professional careers because they have made a great contribution in recent weeks, Klačar says.
Kisic Tepavcevic did not respond to Danas’ messages yesterday, but as a guest on Pink TV on Sunday, she said she had no plans to be the Minister of Health, and that no one asked her that. She said such an offer would surprise her.
As Danas wrote yesterday, some Serbian bookmakers have eliminated the quotas for the upcoming elections and the composition of the next Serbian government, and for the first time, some of the doctors of the crisis personnel of the Serbian Government for the repression of the Kovid virus 19 are upon them.
Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Deputy Director of the Trampoline Institute, ranks best. The odds of her being a minister in the next government are 1.50. Dr. Branimir Nestorović is second in chances. Bookmakers give him a 5: 1 chance of being a minister, and the odds of Vojvodina’s health secretary Zoran Gojković sitting in the republic’s ministerial chair are nine.
The quota for Predrag Kona is 10, and for the director of the Goran Stevanović Infectious Disease Clinic 11, the same is for the immunologist Srđo Janković, and the one furthest from the ministerial presidency is Branislav Tiodorović. His chances, according to bookmakers, are 75: 1 to win the ministerial portfolio. The bookmaker list also includes epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović, whose chances are 50: 1, although, as is known, he was not on the Crisis Team.
Doctors are an important part of party lists.
Klacar recalls the role of doctors in Serbian politics, which has been excellent since the beginning of the multi-party system. “Since those first elections, doctors have been an important part of party lists.” This trend has lasted more or less for the past 30 years and doctors are always an important part of the political mosaic of Serbian circumstances because they bring a successful biography, lack of direct links to politics, promote true values and work to help people, that is, develop the human component. relationship with voters. “Doctors are also important in Serbia, considering that we are an” old nation “and that health problems are a high priority in that environment,” he concludes.
Bakic: They are useful and obedient.
Sociologist Jovo Bakić told Danas that the entry of doctors into the government is the most likely result. “There is a rule: the more corrupt or blackmailed someone is, the easier it is to control, and then it is more useful for this government, that is, for Aleksandar Vučić, who is interested in unconditional obedience,” says Bakić.
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