Dissatisfied Democrats pulled out of CSO session on Sunday – Politika


The session of the Main Board of the Democratic Party, which was started by a third of the members of the OSC, will not take place on Sunday, May 17, Goran Ciric told Danas, although according to the Statutory Commission, the proposal was presented in accordance with the Statute.

Dissatisfied Democrats pulled out of the OSC session on Sunday 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / EMIL VAS

He claims that his compromise proposal to the party’s president, Zoran Lutovac, is that the DS CSO session be held on May 24, that is, that a joint solution be found to hold the session.

Lutovac told Danas that the session is scheduled for May 31 and will not take place before that. He notes that debates and talks take place regularly within party bodies, but that there is nothing to talk about with informal groups.

And that informal group, as Lutovac calls it, once again asks the DS president to find a joint solution to hold the session, and they believe they can only do so through cooperation, mutual respect and dialogue.

“The lies, fabrications, and accusations that the Democrats are Vučić people are not worthy of the Democratic Party. Blessed, persecuted, arrested, and criminalized by the regime, there are other people in the party who are committed to the ideas of the Democratic Party and the fight for a normal society. They deserve solidarity and respect, and not an embarrassing burden through the mud and the accusations and attacks coming from the party leadership, “said the initiator’s statement to convene the session on May 17, which Danas had an idea, adding that a third of CSO members signed a request for an urgent call for the session, which he did precisely to stop the DS’s political and organizational collapse.

The declaration states that since the party with the strongest infrastructure in Serbia in the last two years, the DS has become a party with more than 80 dissolved committees, from a party that was proud of the party’s internal debate, we have become in a party where those who think differently are persecuted and labeled. A party that carried everything modern in Serbia, we have become a party that, due to the unity, often little sincere, deviates from its values ​​and beliefs.

“The process of creating a great Democratic Party has stopped for over a year, and we want to oppose those who are hindering those processes.” More and more decisions are being made outside the Democratic Party and outside its organs, which should not be the case. The way Democrats are slandered by party officials is no different from radicals and progressives. We know that no Democrat deserved it. “Our goal is to strengthen the Democratic Party, not to slander it by insulting its members, unite it, not divide it by refusing to communicate, and that is why we are ready for any agreement on holding a joint session of the Main Board to discuss these important issues. ” It concludes in the initiator’s announcement to convene a DS CSO emergency session.

Dušan Kostadinović, the president of DS EB, points out to Danas that there is no commitment to those who falsify and lie and who want to eliminate the legally elected president Zoran Lutovac, and that the majority will decide in the DS, not the minority. He notes that the decision of the DS Statutory Commission, which allows members from other parties (SVM, Serbia 21) to schedule a session of the Main Board, the DS’s highest body, with silence on forgery of signatures, is just one in a row and the last proof that the majority of the members of this commission do not bring legal decisions more than policies that are directed directly against the party itself.

“Not too long ago, the same commission prevented the expulsion of Nenad Borović from the Democratic Party, a person who joined the SNS with the mandate earned on the DS list.” Due to all the above, the members of the Democratic Party believe that all the conditions for the termination of the membership of the members of the Statutory Commission, who knowingly violate the DS Statute and allow members of other parties to influence have been met. in the DS decisions, namely Srdjan Sandic, Filip Isailovic, Milan Ivanovic, Dejan Kranjčević, Suzana Bojković and Mirko Šoća, “says Kostadinović.

One of the topics of the session scheduled for May 31 by Lutovac is the dissolution of the Statutory Commission. He recently said in an interview with Danas that the DS Assembly will be held soon, in which a new Statutory Commission will be elected, and that current members of that commission have been given the right to make political, not legal, decisions for which they are competent.

“Therefore, in accordance with party procedures, I will propose to the party assembly, as the highest decision-making body, the dissolution of the commission and the election of a new one, which would consist of accredited legal experts,” Lutovac explained to Danas.

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