Disintegration in the DS: Elections abroad or not, at headquarters on the brink of an incident


While for a part of the Democratic Party led by Branislav Lecic, today is the day of the elections in which a new leadership is chosen, for the other part, which supports the current president Zoran Lutovac, today the kidnapping of the DS begins, as They say, run by Vucic. Lecic announces the results tonight, Lutovac is ready to prove the violation of the Party Statute in court.

The confusion over the status of the first man of the Democrats: if he was elected a long time ago or if he is today, turned the DS from a democratic party into a double party.

While the only candidate for president votes, the current president – voted. “Today there are no elections in the DS,” Lutovac said.

For Lecic, the immediate elections are an opportunity to end the conflict between the two currents. He says that four thousand five hundred members will vote, who paid the membership fee, and if they vote for it, Lecic says that he will lend a hand to all the democrats to defeat absolutism in Serbia.

“Participation in these elections ends all dilemmas related to the DS, and it is a democratic process, if we don’t believe in that then we are not Democrats, so I don’t see how the DS could deal with its misunderstandings in that way,” He said. Lecic.

As Lecic was riding his bike on a one-way street in an illegal direction, the current leadership declared behind closed doors: A small group of former and current officials are trying to take over the DS with the help of the ruling regime, and Lutovac concluded facing to journalists: naked legal violence.

“Our statute is our constitution, if that constitution is going to be valid for some and not for others, tomorrow we will behave like this in power, which is inadmissible. Just as Aleksandar Obradovic saved himself by going public, the DS will retain its members and the public, “Lutivac said.

And after the applause, the circus at the party headquarters. Images of broken ballot boxes, broken ballots appeared on social media. The current leadership demanded that the elections be stopped, Lecic was not allowed to enter, and the vice president of the party, Dragana Rakic, and the president of the Organizing Committee of the elections, Vida Ognjenovic, in the history of the first man of another party.

“You are playing against an organizing committee,” Rakic ​​said.

From the assembled group, it was heard “you came to the wrong party, go to SNS” and “it will end up on SNS”.

“I will not do it, I do not accept SNS affiliations, I asked Ms. Vida to explain to all the cultural deputies how she managed to get millions of dinars out of the budget,” Rakic ​​replied.

The Lecic current announced that the final results of the elections will not be lost. The other party, he says, has already sent a letter to the Ministry of State Administration and Local Autonomy, in which, as they say, in accordance with the law, they ask that the new address not be registered in the registry of political parties. Will the Democrats get to court or will the lights go out on that party before then?
