DISCOVERED WHAT THE TRAGEDY PREPARED AT THE COTTAGE! This is what Dragan told his daughter in law before killing his mother and judging himself


Shortly before the murder and suicide, Dragan was with Natasha’s daughter-in-law for coffee. He told her: “I’m going, I need to talk to my mom, you and the children are there and don’t come down.”

– As Natasha told me, she left, and soon a gunshot was heard. Her minor son came downstairs and saw a grandmother motionless in bed, said cousin Dragan S. (46), who shot his mother Stanko (70) with a gun on Monday and then committed suicide in the neighborhood of Kotež in Belgrade.

After killing his mother in the house, Dragan went to a nearby alley and shot himself in the head. According to the relative, on the day of the murder there was nothing to indicate that a tragedy would occur.

– Dragan’s daughter-in-law with five children lives upstairs, above Dragan and his mother. She said that when Dragan came down to her apartment from her, she didn’t hear any noise or discussion; she tells her relative and adds:

She was very attached to Stanko, who was seriously ill, so the family took great care of her, especially Dragan. He refused to take therapy, made a mess in the house. We believe that the son could no longer see her suffer, but neither could everyone around her.

Relatives say that they were a good and harmonious family. Dragan’s father died eight years ago and her mother was already ill at the time. After her father’s death, Dragan took care of her.

Photo: Djokovic

– He did not marry, and his brother has already founded his family, he is the father of five minor children. The problem was that for Stanko, no one in the house, except her late husband, was an authority. Lately she has been making an unbearable noise, she has not slept at night, say relatives.

Everyone has only words of praise for Dragan. He got along very well with his brother’s wife, who went to work abroad eight months ago to support his family.

– Dragan adored children, he liked to read parapsychological books. Perhaps she could no longer bear so much pressure and that she simply wanted to end the suffering of her mother, but also of everyone around her. The daughter-in-law is the most difficult at the moment, she still cannot recover from the shock and the horrible sight she found – added the cousin.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

No one knows where his gun came from

It turns out that Dragan did not have a weapons license and it is being verified where he got it. – The family members did not know that Dragan had a weapon, nor did he talk about it. They are waiting for the arrival of their brother soon to bury Stanko and Dragan – says the cousin.
