“DIRTY SERBS!” Chechen Group Beats Serbian Teenager In Vienna, Creepy Video Spread On Social Media


A group of Chechens beat up a teenager of Serbian origin in Austria, and the entire harassment was recorded and posted on social media. The beating was preceded by a conflict by a girl, also a Chechen, and the perpetrators were labeled as so-called Islamic guardians of justice.

The video of the beating of a teenager (16) of Serbian origin was published by the Austrian portal “Hojte” and shows a group of young people giving dozens of blows to a teenager …

– You dirty Serbian, do you think you can write to the Chechens? – You can hear in the recording how the bully asks the boy during the break from the beatings. Then they made him kneel down and apologize.

As explained in this Austrian portal, the teenager had previously corresponded with a girl, which angered the so-called Islamic guardians of justice, who have been arrogantly distributing justice in the streets of Vienna for months, and decided to punish the child.

“Hojte” also explains that the reason they decided to do so was the “unclean blood” of the child, as he is of Serbian origin.

The boy’s father: “He went to class with that girl”

The boy’s father spoke up after the details of the incident were revealed, explaining that his son and the girl who caused the beating attended classes together.

– My son went to class with a girl from Chechnya. One day she asked him to help her with her homework. She wanted to ask him about school things, so he answered her – said the father.

Islamists terrorize the Viennese

According to Austrian media, the investigation against the group that calls itself Islamic guardians of justice has been underway since the beginning of the year. The group has dozens of members and the police have known many of them for a long time.

Following the publication of the images, police control in Austria was intensified and an investigation was launched. One of the CI suspects was found to be only 15 years old and was arrested.

Police broke down the front door of the apartment where he lived with his parents, but only found the suspect’s father. Some time later, the 15-year-old came home and was arrested.

By the way, the police have known IC for a long time, and there was a warrant for his arrest for the robbery.

At the hearing, IC admitted that he hit and insulted the teenager. The reason he said was that the young Serbian had a meeting scheduled where he was supposed to study with the Chechen.

Vienna police, illustrationPhoto: HERBERT P. OCZERET / EPA;

Vienna police, illustration

The alleged perpetrator had accomplices whose identities he did not want to reveal to the police.

At the same time, the researchers began to scrutinize the activities of the “moral guardians” in more detail and found data indicating that they were organized across multiple platforms.

As research has shown so far, they are hierarchically structured and organized through secret “chat groups” on various platforms.

The suspects constantly monitor the behavior of women of Chechen origin. Whether on the internet or in real life, anyone who does not adhere to strict Islamic-conservative rules will be punished.

The measures taken by the moral guards range from teaching, posting photos in front of mosques, persecution and even physical abuse. So far, the police have identified eleven people, including a woman. There are currently four people in detention. They are accused of forming a criminal organization, as well as criminal conspiracy and coercion.
