Director of “Trampoline”: So far, there are no plans to interrupt classes in schools


The director of the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”, Verica Jovanović, said that at this time there are no plans to interrupt classes in schools due to the worsening epidemiological situation.

As a guest on the morning show RTS, she said that the epidemiological situation and the situation in each school are being monitored.

Commenting on the deterioration and the stricter measures being introduced in other countries, such as Italy, he said that this is not foreseen in Serbia, for now.

“In our country at this time, these are not measures that are being considered,” he said.

He warned that the key mission of the entire society remains to maintain prevention and block the transmission of the virus through communication.

However, he said that if the situation worsens, stricter measures will be introduced.

Jovanovic said there are currently about 800 patients in kovid hospitals across the country, and that capacity will be three times higher with the new hospitals in Batajnica and Krusevac.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
