Director of the Gerontology Center in Nis, where more than 50 crown users died, REMAINS IN CUSTODY


The Nis Court of Appeal extended the detention of the director of the Nis Gerontology Center, Milan Stevanović (47), suspected of spreading the kovid-19 infection in that center in mid-April, for another month.

According to this decision, his detention can last until October 4, they specified for Tanjug in the Nis appeal.

At the request of the Nis High Prosecutor’s Office, which is conducting an investigation against Stevanović, his detention was extended due to the danger that he might influence witnesses, as well as public harassment.

Stevanovic, arrested on April 13, remains under investigation on suspicion of having committed a crime, a serious crime against human health in connection with the crime of transmitting a contagious disease.

Pursuant to the legal restriction that detention without charge can last up to six months, an accusation must be filed against him before October 13, or the investigation must continue, but his detention must end.

In the hearing at the Prosecutor’s Office after the arrest, Stevanovic denied the crime he is accused of, and it is suspected that he did not take all the necessary measures and actions to prevent the spread of the infectious disease COVID 19, for which 135 people were infected at the Gerontology Center. service users and four employees.

According to the latest available data, more than 50 users of the corona virus have died in this institution.
