Director of KC Serbia: The situation with the coronavirus is very unfavorable and unstable


The director of the Serbian Clinical Center, Milika Ashanin, told RTS that the situation with the coronavirus in Serbia is very unfavorable and extremely unstable.

He added that yesterday, only 226 people came to the Infectious Diseases Clinic for an examination, and the other day there were more than 250.

“Our hospital capabilities are already overcrowded right now,” Ashanin said.

It says that there are currently 395 patients in the Zvezdara Clinical Hospital and 331 in Mišović. There are 86 patients in the KCS Infectious Disease Clinic, of which seven are on respirators.

The director of KCS added that the other clinics of that clinical center will not become a covid hospital, because they have to treat a large number of “necovid” patients.

Ashanin praised the accelerated construction of the hospital in Batajnica, but also noted that it is not enough to build a building and bring equipment, but the hospital must have quality and experienced medical staff.

According to data from the site, 2,442 patients are currently hospitalized in Serbia, while there are 77 on ventilators.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
