Director of KC Kragujevac: The biggest “victims” are patients who do not suffer from covid


The director of the Kragujevac Clinical Center, Predrag Sazdanović, stated that all remedies are used only against kovid and that the biggest victims, figuratively speaking, are “non-kovid” patients.

He said in the “Questionnaire” program of the Serbian Radio Television (RTS) that only at the end of the year it will be possible to know how many thousands of patients died from cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases.

“We do all of this at KC, but on a much, much smaller scale. That specifically means that the waiting lists for interventional cardiology are increasing, interventional neuroradiology is working at reduced capacity, we just can’t do that.” he said.

He warned of a jump in the number of patients with “chronic non-communicable diseases” at the end of the year because they were not treated properly because there was no capacity for that.

He called on citizens to behave responsibly during the epidemic, so that KC can treat and cure patients who have “non-coexisting” diseases.

According to him, several scientific studies have been carried out at the Kragujevac Clinical Center and it has been established that due to corona infection with the virus the volume of the lungs is reduced, which lasts for a long time and recovery is very difficult.

“It is not only the lungs that are in question, but this virus is also making changes in other organs. We have several patients who unfortunately lost their lives due to changes in the kidney, even though they came out of pneumonia or died of heart disease, “Sazdanovic said.

Read more about the covid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the Coronavirus page.
