Director of “Banjice”: this wave is much heavier, all patients are on oxygen


The director of the Belgrade Orthopedic Institute “Banjica”, which entered the covid system, Zoran Bascarevic, said that yesterday they received 47 patients and that now the clinical picture of the patients is much more difficult than before.

“We started receiving around 11 of them, we had all 47 patients at night. There are 30 in the wards, 17 in intensive care, which is almost our maximum. They are all heavy and all are on oxygen, not only in the intensive care unit, but also in the wards. “Baščarević told RTS.

He indicated that thanks to the arrival of ten internists from the “Dedinje” Institute, another department and another part of Intensive Care were opened.

“We now have 71 patients in the hospital. We have nothing to offer tomorrow,” Bascarevic said.

Seven more internists are expected to arrive, after which they will open another department.

“All patients coming in are difficult and require oxygen support. In this wave, they are much heavier than in previous waves. The clinical picture of patients is now much more difficult than before,” Bascarevic said.

In July, he said, they completed intensive therapy in five days and now completed it in just six hours.

“Almost everyone in the wards is for semi-intensive care, everyone has high concentrations of oxygen. Doctors and nurses fight for them at all times. It is much more difficult now than before,” Baščarević said.
