Dino Radja couldn’t stand the UGLY COMMENT about Djolet Balasevic! “The Suebi did a lot more shit, so now we kiss their ass when they come. How long do you advise us to hate each other? Well, I’m asking you for advice …”


Many sad people were seen in Novi Sad last weekend at George Balasevic’s farewell to eternal rest. The famous singer-songwriter passed away during the previous week, leaving behind numerous songs that will be heard for years and decades.

Many athletes also cried, and the legendary Croatian basketball player Dino Radja, who shared an interesting anecdote from 2004, shared his thoughts on Djordje Balasevic via Facebook.

– They died two days apart. It has some symbolism. Djolet’s first concert after the war was in Split in 2004, and Mosor is as nervous as a dog, he was not allowed to go because he was afraid of how the public would react. By the way, applause for Djoleta. After the concert, we all go to Graša’s restaurant together and sit at the table, Đole and him, Graša, Viki and me. Mosor arrives and addresses Jolet directly with an apology. He looks at him blankly and says “what are you talking about?” – Raja wrote.

But, as is often the case, not everyone accepted Raja’s announcement in good faith, so a gentleman asked Dino Raja why he was so moved by George Balasevic’s death.

– Dino, do you close your eyes to the truth about the fake peacemaker or do you just like the musical genre of that singer? – Asked in a comment on the ad, reports Telegraf.

The former basketball player had a ready answer to this uncomfortable question.

– I just think that we should sow peace and good, I don’t hate. The man wrote songs against Milosevic, when he was worst. After all, let’s go like this. The Suebi worked much more with sex in the world, so now we like more to see our guests and kiss their girls when they come. How long do you advise us to hate each other, so we can start off normally. Here, I am clearly asking for advice – Raja replied.

Dino Radja, response to the ugly comment about Djordje Balasevic

Photo: Facebook / screenshot

Dino Radja, response to the ugly comment about Djordje Balasevic

Great emperor!

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