ĐILAS’S BROTHER HAS AT LEAST 28 PROPERTIES: Among them are luxury apartments, shops and garages


At the same time, he has management rights in four Serbian-owned companies, and also owns the company “Komodos Corporation”, registered in the US state of Delaware.

These data were presented today in the Serbian Assembly by SNS deputy Sandra Božić, who added that Gojko Đilas, despite the fact that according to the property card he is obviously a very successful businessman, he is absolutely unknown to the Serbian public. Bozic asked CINS, KRIK, BIRN, and other investigative networks to take care of Djilas’s brother’s property, as well as how he found a large number of properties.


1. Apartment in Simina street of 91 m2

2. Apartment in Gramsijeva 56 m2
3. Apartment in Dusan Radovic 48 m2
4. Apartment in Belgrade 91 m2
5. Apartment in Borislav Pekić 43 m2
6. Store in Pozarevacka 15 m2
7. Apartment in Gospodar Jovanova 55 m2
8. Apartment in Dimitrija Tucovića 67 m2
9-13. Five apartments in a building on Velisava Vujovića street of 127 m2 each apartment
14-15. Two apartments in Velisava Vujovića of 25 m2 each
16-22. Seven garages in V. Vujovića of 12 m2 each
23. Apartment in Gospodar Jevremova 143 m2
24. Apartment in Kornelija Stankovića 61 m2
25. Apartment in Svetozara Markovića 105 m2
26. Apartment in Jevrem Grujić 160 m2
27-28. Two garages in Đorđe Stanojević of 11 m2

– It is not surprising that the public does not know anything about Dragan Djilas’s brother, because the SNS, unlike Marinika Tepic, Djilas himself and the rest of the mogul’s bully, has never treated dissidents that way, to through children and relatives – said Bozic.

He stated that Gojko Đilas owns a 91 m2 apartment on Simina Street, and he also has an apartment of the same size on Belgrade Street. According to her, she also owns apartments in Gramsijeva, Dusan Radovic, Borislav Pekic, Gospodar Jovanova, Gospodar Jevremova, Dimitrija Tucovic, Svetozara Markovic and Kornelija Stankovic. The building on Velisava Vujovića Street has five apartments, each measuring 127 square meters, as well as two smaller apartments and up to seven garages. He has an apartment of up to 160 square meters on Jevrema Grujića street. His property list also includes a shop in Požarevačka and two garages in Đorđe Stanojevića street.
Bozic also pointed out that this is most likely not the end of Gojko Djilas’ ownership list. During the debate on the election of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, he asked what happened to the human rights of President Aleksandar Vučić, whose brother Andrej Vučić everyone knows, just because he is the president’s brother. He showed a photo of Dragan Djilas’ brother Gojko and estimated that probably no one knows who he is.


BOZICEVA also pointed out that at fictitious addresses in American Delaware, where Gojko Djilas’ company is also registered, companies of foreign nationals whose sole objective is money laundering and tax evasion in the countries where the owners come from are registered.

– There is no more masterful example of tax evasion than Dragan Djilas and his media, who even today do not pay taxes in Serbia and worry about the taxes of some Luxembourg.

– We do not speak of the magnate brothers, but that is why we speak of the president’s brother. How many times have you heard that you own restaurants, bakeries, land in Vojvodina, how many times have you denied to yourself that Andrej Vučić does not own any of it? But there is no mention of Dragan Djilas’s brother. Is that a forbidden topic? – asked Božić, adding that everyone also knows the names of the president’s children because they are constantly being written, spoken and threatened.

The MP for progressives also pointed out that when you look at all the threats made to Vučić and his family, you can see that these are people who openly support a political doctrine:

– What Srdjan Nogo says, thinks Dragan Djilas. These are all hordes of his supporters, who share his political ideas behind these monstrous statements. Every time someone threatens Aleksandar Vučić’s children, Djilas is behind, no one else. I ask who is there to protect the human rights of President Vučić and his family, who is there to protect the father, when they attack his daughter, they threaten to rape her. Where are the state agencies that should react to this? I appeal once again in this way so that Noga’s statements are not reviewed in this way, I ask all the competent state bodies to react.

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