DIFFICULT SITUATION, BUT NOT DRAMATIC Ana Brnabić made a prediction of how long the fight with the crown will last and spoke about the introduction of the PCR test


The epidemiological situation in Serbia is currently very complex, as we still register a large number of new infections, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said today, adding that it is important that this number does not increase drastically but remains at a certain level.

We hope that if we continue to adhere to the measures in the coming days or a week, that number will begin to fall, Brnabic said at an online conference organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia (AmCham) to present the results of the annual survey. .

He stated that the fight against the coronavirus and the consequences it leaves continues, adding that it will be the same in the first half of next year.

We hope that in the first half of 2021, there will be a continuation of the fight against the virus and the consequences for both the economy and the economy, Brnabić said.

He thanked the representatives of AmCham, that is, the companies that supported the employees and with their activities helped the economy in Serbia and the health system, but also other institutions.

He noted that much of what his research showed coincided with the priorities set by the government.

Brnabic added that efforts were made to keep the situation caused by the pandemic under control and not cause a large drop in employment, but also to preserve the health system.

One of the measures currently being considered to combat the kovid-19 virus is the introduction of a mandatory PCR test for those coming to Serbia before the next holiday, and we continue to measure measures every day and what still needs to be done. to keep the situation under control, he added. is Ana Brnabić.

The Prime Minister said that work continues to prevent possible catastrophic scenarios, so that the economy does not close, or that there are as few closures as possible.

He noted that it will also be considered whether other support to the economy will be needed next year.

When asked about public-private partnerships in healthcare, Brnabić said that there is interest in that and that we must fight together for the crown.

“It seems to me that private health institutions were not interested in getting involved at the beginning of the pandemic, but they were willing to provide some devices, equipment and premises, in some cases we use them and in others we do not,” said the prime minister.

Regarding hospitalization capacity, Brnabic said that they are very small in private institutions in relation to needs, but that there is a willingness to continue talking about it.

Regarding vaccination, he stated that he is interested in that as many people as possible want to be vaccinated and that the vaccine is free but not mandatory, and that he is concerned about the research according to which only 20% of the population of Belgrade wants to be vaccinated.

“We hope that thanks to a good campaign during which citizens are informed that the vaccine is safe, that percentage will be much higher because the vaccine is needed,” Brnabić said.


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