Did you set your ex-girlfriend’s car on fire in the middle of the night?


A young JP (25) from the vicinity of Kovin was arrested the day before yesterday on suspicion of setting fire to the car of a woman (40), with whom he allegedly had an emotional relationship.

The car was set on fire three days ago and police quickly located and arrested the suspect. – Surveillance cameras near the home of the injured woman filmed a young man sneaking up to his parked vehicle, pouring gasoline on it and setting it on fire. He was quickly identified and found, and when the police presented the facts to him and showed him the video, he admitted that he set the car on fire – says our source of the investigation and adds:

– However, the police noted that the young man did not want to say at all costs why he damaged the car of a 15-year-old neighbor, and the neighbors have already said a lot that they were once in a love relationship. Taking into account that the woman is married and that her husband works abroad, it is assumed that he did not want to cause her that kind of problem.

According to the police, no one was injured in this fire and the young man is suspected of causing widespread danger.

(Kurir.rs/ J.Ivić / Photo: illustration by Profimedia)

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Author: delivery courier
