DID YOU SEND YOU A MESSAGE BEFORE THE SETTLEMENT? A bomb dropped at a murdered local in Kaludjerica, details waiting in the suburbs (PHOTO / VIDEO)


According to unofficial information, he left home in his “audio”. While waiting to turn at Smederevski put, his vehicle was hit by a gray “Skoda”, on the left rear. Not realizing that he had been trapped this way to get out of the car and easily become a target, he opened the door. He got out, raised his hands, probably in shock that his car had been hit like that. Instead of explaining the unusual beatings, the killer, who opened the door of his vehicle, shot him in the head with a pistol.

The moment of the murder was allegedly seen by two neighbors. The frightened women began to scream and the executioner pointed them briefly at gunpoint. Neighbors lay behind Ristic’s car, the killer lowered his gun, closed the door of his vehicle and drove off. As the executioner fled to Mirijevo, Dragan’s body was found by a neighbor who was returning home.

– I took my wife and son on the bus around 8.15am and headed back home. On the way I saw someone lying on the ground, and the first thing I thought was that a car accident had happened, that is, that a pedestrian had been hit. I immediately called an ambulance, at the time I didn’t know it was murder. Suddenly, behind the car, I saw two frightened women screaming that the man lying down had been shot – said the neighbor, to whom the two women told what happened.

Photo: Novosti

The police soon arrived and blocked the crime scene, and at the same time the search for the killer’s car began. The vehicle was found on fire in Mirijevo, and in it was a weapon from which it is believed that a fatal shot was fired at the victim. All of this will be examined in order to find any material evidence that can help identify the criminal. At the same time, the police will review all video surveillance images from the crime scene to the location where the burning car was found. A security camera is believed to have captured the killer’s face.

Belgrade police officers are also checking whether the victim had any conflict in the previous period.

– A bomb was thrown at your club on June 4 of this year. She reported it to the police and it is being investigated whether this attack is related to the murder. He was probably resentful of someone, for some business reason, and that a warning was sent to him that way. It is not yet known if it is due to a club, restaurant or some other job, but is being investigated, the murder indicates that he turned a deaf ear to it – “Blic” finds out from a source familiar with the investigation.

He was killed by a native of Berane. He left five children. In the 1990s, he was arrested twice for violent behavior and illegal weapons, and his record has been clean for decades.

– He was not a criminal, but a family man, he has five children. He owned representative restaurants. In his youth, he was arrested twice and has two suspended sentences, but he was not a criminal, say lawyers for the murdered Božidar Grubović and Aleksandar Šćekić.

The victim’s son, Milutin, is known to the public. That is, when he was 20 years old, in 2008, he was arrested as an accessory to the murder of Vladimir Dosković and Dalibor Milenković, who were shot in the Kaludjerica waiting room. Dosković and Milenković were murdered in a waiting room at the intersection of Svetozara Markovića and Luneta Milovanovića streets, when the killers fired a round from an “intercessor” at them. Later, the police arrested Stefan Babic, Darko Gasic, and Elder Okanovic.

Shortly afterwards, the murdered’s son was also handcuffed and convicted of inciting the murder. As a young adult, he was sentenced to ten years in prison, but his sentence was reduced by an amnesty in 2012, for which he was released from prison in February 2017. He was also arrested for persecution.


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