“DID YOU SEE THAT HORSE? WAS HE BORED AS ALWAYS?” A completely different interview with Dr. Predrag Kon


The year left behind was marked by a virus: long-lasting, exhausting, deadly. The Crown epidemic gave birth to many heroes, patients and doctors, and then ordinary citizens who did not hesitate to help.

A member of the Crisis Staff, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, marked 2020 as a person who crossed its borders in many ways, all with the desire to, as they say, “get out of the state of war” and “defeat this plague” . .

We begin the interview with, we can freely say, one of the personalities of the year, like all previous conversations with him, with the question: “How are you, doctor?”, To which he, as so many times before, simply answers: “I’m trying.” We promise you that the questions will not be formal, and after reviewing the daily events, we return to your beginnings when you were a military doctor.

How did you decide to become an epidemiologist?

– I was a doctor of military medicine. I quickly realized that it was what interested me the most and that in reality the most important thing was preventive medicine, and as a branch that stood out in front of everyone was epidemiology. So somehow I decided to go down that path.

Photo: screenshot / screenshot

Did you expect a pandemic of this magnitude to occur at that time?

– I wanted to be an epidemiologist, but I really didn’t expect something like this to happen. As a military doctor, it was important to me to prevent diseases in the army, that was my main motivation for deciding on epidemiology. I think I have gained confidence in that area.

When did you leave the army?

– I left the army in 95. years. I thought I needed to advance further, and my advancement in the army was questionable and slow. We don’t part with harsh words, and to this day I have friends and people there whom I respect.

The crown definitely marked the year behind us. Is there a time when you yourself thought you were infected with a dangerous virus?

– I am in daily contact with people who have a crown. Here at the City Institute of Public Health, I am constantly in conversation with the technicians who are in contact with the infected. However, even though I am in contact, I didn’t think I was infected because believe me, you can’t see anyone here without a mask for a moment. I’ve never been in self-isolation.

It wasn’t just his conversations with Dr. Nestorović that were in the public spotlight. He has often argued with lesser known celebrities and personalities through his Facebook profile. Which attack hurt you the most?

– Of course, I had certain disappointments, and the attacks that came from the people with whom I worked and cooperated were the hardest for me. The attack by my teacher, Dr. Radovanović, hurt me terribly. However, I like to say that history will judge what happened, which decisions were good and which were not.

We have the vaccine, many people have had the crown and soon we will be able to say: “Well, now it is over, we are reviewing the epidemic” or is there something else waiting for us?

– It depends on our ability to carry out mass immunizations. Personally, I don’t think we need to constantly prove that the vaccine is good. We have a regulatory body in the top 50 in the world. It’s enough. I think the situation is changing drastically. More effective drugs will come, this will last, but not this way. I think that after the summer, the situation will be much more relaxed.

When it comes to relaxation measures, do you personally miss going to a bar? We saw that you love music …

– I am a completely different person than the one you see every day. In public, I am a professional, a physician who cares about the health of the nation. In private, I am a man of songs, jokes … It often happens that I come home after a visit and ask the family: “Did you see that Kona, was it as boring as ever?”

Photo: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

I don’t understand Nestorović …

His relationship with Dr. Nestorović attracted much public attention.

– He left the Crisis Staff voluntarily and I have nothing more to comment on. I just don’t understand why, when you’ve left crisis staff, you keep commenting on staff decisions. That’s not clear to me, really.

Try to split the doctor

Which moment of the fight with the crown was the most important, that saddened, disappointed or gave you hope?

– The most important thing for me is that there was an attempt to divide the doctor. It is not talked about. We are all, I repeat, in the same task. The recommended actions were largely taken by joint decision. There were divisions in thinking, but the decisions that were made were common.

Oh Dr. Thread

  • He was born in 1955 in Belgrade and in a few months he went to New York, where he lived until he was seven years old.
  • He graduated from Belgrade Faculty of Medicine in 1981, specializing in epidemiology at the Military Medical Academy.
  • He is the holder of the Medal of Military Merit and the Charter of the Serbian Medical Association.
  • He was extraordinarily promoted to the rank of medical lieutenant colonel on April 10, 2020.
  • He loves to sing, especially with friends and family, he plays the guitar and the violin.
  • He loved the series “Friends”, he sang in the choir “Baruch Brothers”.
  • He supports Partizan and admits that he is a huge fan and admirer of Novak Djokovic.

VIDEO: Kon on the discomfort he experienced
