DID YOU LEAVE A LETTER TO THE FAMILY? Milan disappeared the day after celebrating the glory, an UNKNOWN MAN answered his number and now new details have been revealed


Milan Ilić (34), of Donji Milanovac, who disappeared on December 20, left a letter to his family after leaving the family home.

According to Novosti, the content of the text is known, but sources close to the investigation learn unofficially that Ilic said that he wants to try to manage his own life, as well as that he has ideas about how to organize his life.

At Donji Milanovac, they say they knew little about Milan, because he often stayed abroad. He speaks several languages ​​and is considered a very smart guy. It is also mentioned that it is from the family home, after all the family members celebrated the baptism of Saint Nicholas the day before.

He was last seen on December 20, and all trace of him has since been lost, and an additional reason for the enigma is the fact that an unknown man responded to his vibrator after leaving, claiming that he was from Svilajnac and that his number was his.

During the conversation, the younger brother managed to capture the man, when Ilic’s family says they had never seen him before.

The search continues.
