Did you find a cure for pedophiles? It is used for prostate cancer and only works after two weeks. The world


Tanjug |

April 30, 2020 12:13 AM |

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Swedish scientists say degarelix significantly reduces testosterone levels, reducing pedophile desire and sexual desire

A new Swedish study shows that a drug commonly used to treat prostate cancer could significantly reduce the risk of pedophiles abusing children.

Swedish scientists say the drug degarelix significantly reduces testosterone levels, reducing pedophile drive and sexual desire.

The effect of the drug is observed after two weeks.

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm say the criminal justice system has failed to stem the rise in child abuse, especially online crime.

But this drug could be effective.

52 men showed up for the study, and the results show that the risk of committing a crime has decreased by 40 percent in subjects who received the drug and by 15 percent in those who received placebo injections.

Scientists plan to study the long-term effects of the drug and compare them to the effects of psychotherapy.
