Did they break into the yard and shoot a father and son over a drug conflict?


Four people were arrested on suspicion of trying to kill a father and son in the vicinity of Varvarin on December 21, due to a conflict over the sale of narcotics, the Interior Ministry announced.

NV (44), VJ (42), NJ (22) and LM (23) were handcuffed and charged with attempted aggravated murder in complicity.

hut and wounded Darko K.
hut and wounded Darko K.photo: print screen

“It is suspected that they shot their father and son, Goran (53) and Darko K (28), who were seriously injured on that occasion. It is suspected that the motive for the attack was a conflict over the sale of drugs. The suspects were arrested. for up to 48 hours, after which he will be taken to the Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Kruševac, “announced the Interior Ministry.

Let us remind you, the crime occurred in the village of Parcani, and the father and son told police that they were shot with a hunting rifle at the time that several unknown persons entered the courtyard of their house at the weekend.

Kurir.rs/JI / Photo B.Đ, Facebook print screen

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Author: delivery courier
