
Photo: Instant Google Street View
First they stole five or six two-liter beer bottles, and when a worker reached for them and asked them to pay the bill, one of them pushed and the other bit.
NIS – Brothers born from the Jagodina neighborhood, MK (31) and MK (29) were put behind bars because last night, on May 13, during the beer robbery at a store in Sveti Sava Park, they pushed a worker from the store and one of them bit into the hand of a poor woman.
– There were three men, one of whom was not involved in the attack on the worker, and is being intensively sought. First they stole five or six two-liter beer bottles, and when the worker reached for them and asked them to pay the bill, one of them pushed and the other bit. The case was immediately reported to the police, who were nearby and detained them, the police informed us.

The ambulance took the worker away and it was discovered that she had minor bodily injuries. It is unknown at this time if the children were drunk or drugged to commit such a strange act.
They are accused of the crime of violent behavior, and the case was turned over to the Basic Court and they are threatened with 30 days of detention until they appear before a judge.

delivery courier
Author: delivery courier