Did one of the ministers give up the chair in Nemanjina 11?



22.09.2020. 07:00

Let President Vučić establish the SNS, other coalition partners … I don’t have to be a minister, there is no need, times are changing, politics is changing, other people are coming – said Vulin

Government of Serbia

Photo: Tanjug

I do not expect a place in the new government of Serbia, said Aleksandar Vulin, defense minister and leader of the Socialist Movement, and in that way he, after Rasim Ljajic, minister and leader of SDPS, gave up his seat in Nemanjina 11.

According to the information “Hello!”, There are chances that Vulin is not the Minister of War, but there is still the possibility that he will take over another department, since in many crisis situations in recent years he stood out as one of President Aleksandar Vučić’s most loyal companions. Although his views were once more radical than the course of official state politics, Vulin displayed greater courage and loyalty than many high-ranking officials of the SNS itself.

– That President Vučić resolve the SNS, which received the most votes, the other coalition partners, and the Socialist Movement does not have to have ministers in the government. I don’t have to be a minister in the government, there is no need, times are changing, politics is changing, other people are coming, foreign policy priorities – “Pink” told TV yesterday and emphasized that thanks to Vučić’s trust “He fought for Kosovo and Metohija, wrote the Labor Law, protected Serbia from the migration crisis and was Minister of Defense.”

– Minister of Defense, that is the highest degree that can be obtained in politics. After that, I don’t have to be anything, I’ll never have to deal with politics again – he said, adding that he would deal with writing, journalism.

Only Aleksandar Vučić, president of Serbia and leader of the SNS, knows who the new ministers will be in the Serbian government, which will be formed in early October, but what is pretty certain is that there will not be four ministers of the progressive quota in the new government.

– Zoran Djordjevic, Nela Kuburovic, Vladan Vukosavljevic, who is a nonpartisan person, and Goran Knezevic, who himself announced his withdrawal, are leaving – our sources say and add that the socialists will be left without hope in Nemanjina 11.

Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Army, Soldier, Soldiers

Photo: MOD

– It is quite certain that Goran Trivan and Slavica Đukić Dejanović will not be part of the future government. Only Ivica Dacic and Aleksandar Antic can aspire to ministerial posts; our sources point out and add that the position of Branko Ruzic, vice president of the SPS and current minister of state administration and local self-government, is still uncertain.

Let us remind you, “Hello!” He wrote yesterday that Ivica Dačić, the leader of the SPS, is asking Vučić about the third department.

– Only the ministry can calm Branko Ružić so that he does not create problems again and does not overthrow Dačić in the SPS and does not complicate the already unstable relations with the SNS. So these days, Dacic is pushing, popularly speaking, pleading, to provide an apartment for the rebel Ruzic, our sources said.

Đurić: About Washington when it becomes official

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić, on the occasion of the announcement that he will be appointed ambassador of Serbia in Washington, did not want to talk about something that, as he said, has not yet been made official and has not yet been discussed. “I am not going to talk about it because it would not be diplomatic to talk about something that has not yet been done and about which the host country has not yet been discussed,” he told Pink TV.
