Did not know the details of Dr. Stevanović’s life – you will be surprised when you hear what he has accomplished



10.31.2020. 19:40

Here are some interesting details you didn’t know about Dr. Goran Stevanovic

Goran stevanovic

Goran Stevanovic, Photo: Tanjug

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, was infected with the coronavirus and was in isolation. He is a member of the Crisis Team for the Suppression of Infectious Diseases COVID-19, which was formed in March 2020 by the Government of Serbia.

Here are some interesting details you didn’t know about Dr. Goran Stevanovic:

1. Goran Stevanović was born in 1972 in Belgrade. He is director of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinic and head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacotherapy.

2. He was called “Serbian Doctor House” because he dedicated his career to finding the right diagnosis in cases where it is very difficult to make. For example, you are presented with patients who have a high fever for several weeks and the cause is unknown even after extensive testing. These are the so-called vague feverish conditions.

3. Stevanović also stated that he does not like the Serbian nicknames Dr. House, but also Dr. Google, as his colleagues call him. He pointed out that these doctors exist only in the media and that no one has the answers to all the questions, that is simply not possible.

4. He is one of the six doctors we see most frequently on television.

5. Since the beginning of the epidemic, he has been known as someone who warns of worst case scenarios and pleads with parents to stay home with their children.

6. Since the beginning of the pandemic, he has barely left the Clinic he runs.

7. Those who know him best say that his motto is to always be completely honest with both the patient and the family.

8. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine with an average grade of 9.42. He has a master’s degree in the field of immunology and completed the first year of specialized studies in the field of infectology. He received his doctorate in 2012 with the thesis “Clinical importance of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis of unclear febrile disease”.

9. Since 2003 he works as an assistant at the Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, on the topic of Infectious Diseases. Elected Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases in July 2013.

10. At the beginning of the epidemic, Dr. Goran Stevanović received great support from the students. They noted that they believe in the doctor’s prognosis and that he is an excellent expert, as well as that the citizens of Serbia must respect all his recommendations.

11. He has published several professional and scientific articles as author or co-author in peer-reviewed journals and in national and international conferences.

12. Goran Stevanović is the father of three children.
