Did a Vienna terrorist have contact in KOSOVO? Sent money to an IMAM whose cousin is a member of ISIS


Kujtim Fejzulaj (20), originally from Chelopek near Tetovo, who carried out the terrorist attack in Vienna, raised funds and financed the imam in Kosovo, reports the Pristina portal “Reporters”.

InDox claims that Fejzulaj had contact with at least one person in Kosovo, who asked him to contact his cousin from the “Islamic State” (ISIS), who was in prison serving his sentence.

From conversations with other extremists who knew him, it emerged that Fejzulaj “gave them money to send the imam” in Kosovo, but they did not reveal which imam.


Sources told InDox that Fejzulaj had moved to Kosovo and North Macedonia in recent years and had strong relations with radical Islamists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Through a conversation, in which “InDox” had an idea between two people who had connections with Kujtim, it can be seen that he was raising funds from Muslim citizens in Austria to help radical activities in Kosovo and North Macedonia.

For now, little is known about Fejzulaj’s ties and whether they have anything to do with extremism in Kosovo.

Austrian police killed the attacker immediately after he started shooting at people in cafes in central Vienna on the night of November 2.

The attacker was identified as Kujtim Fejzulaj, a convicted jihadist with dual citizenship of Austria and North Macedonia.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.
