Dialogue with Serbia has no alternative, it must continue


The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, called for the dialogue process with Serbia to continue, because, according to him, there is no alternative to dialogue.

In a post on Twitter, Thaci claimed that he spoke with the European Union’s special envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, and expressed his support for the process.

“Dialogue has no alternative. Kosovo and Serbia must reach a final agreement. The European Union needs us and we need the EU. We must act,” Thaci wrote, H1 reports.

Kosovo and Serbia were scheduled to meet in Brussels on September 28, but the meeting was postponed indefinitely.

While Serbia wants the topic of conversation to be the Union of Serbian Municipalities, the Kosovo side notes that the topic cannot be reopened, because it ended with the 2013 and 2015 agreements.

A few days ago, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, reiterated that there is no opening of the topic on the JCC in the dialogue, that the creation of the JCC is an international obligation of Kosovo and that it will be formed in accordance with the decision of the Tribunal Constitution of Kosovo of December 2015.


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