DFC COMES TO SERBIA! This is what one of the most powerful American financial organizations will bring us (KURIR TV)


The arrival of the US development agency DFC in Belgrade is news not only for the Serbian economy and a strong signal for future investment in the region in general, participants in the Kurir Television program “Heating” agree. For the first time, one of the most powerful US financial organizations, the US development agency DFC, will open its representative office in Belgrade, the only office of its kind in the region. It is an organization with an annual budget of more than 60 billion dollars. It has only existed for two years, it was founded by presidential decree of President Donald Trump, and the first work in Serbia is expected to be the construction of the “Peace” highway between Nis and Pristina, which connects central Serbia with Albania, since the new road will incline. to the existing one between Pristina and Tirana.

Financial assistance from the DFC will allow the Serbian economy to progress, the arrival of investors and the creation of new jobs, and with the opening of this office, Serbia will become the economic center of the Balkans. The value of future investments is still in the realm of speculation, but if it is known that US companies have already invested around four billion dollars in Serbia, the arrival of DFC will significantly increase those investments. The opening of the DFC office in Belgrade, which was also announced by its director Adam Bohler, who, according to the announcements, will arrive in Belgrade on Monday in a high US delegation, where he will spend four days.

Miladin Kovacevic, director of the Office of Statistics of the Republic, Professor Mihajlo Rabrenovic, PhD, expert in public management and prof. Dr. Ljubodrag Savić, Professor at the Belgrade Faculty of Economics.

Kurir.rs/Kurir TV

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